Kelly Arroyo at Neely O'Hair

Kelly Arroyo at Neely O'Hair

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Well there is life outside the salon. Can't say it's always better than life inside the salon. Just when I'm getting all settled into our new place my body decides I have to reschedule all my clients. I hate making that call. But this time I really had a good excuse, but I think I kinda surprised my clients. I was making the "I'm so sorry but I have to reschedule your appointment" call from the pre-operation room, see I had to have my appendix removed. It's funny how Saturday at work everything seemed fine, getting ready for the rest up before the week starts over, and your body changes all plans. Well now I'm stuck at home, which trust me, I'm not use to waiting for my body to heal so I can get back to work. So if you were one of the client's rescheduled believe I wish I was doing your hair instead of laying in bed.......

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